Crafting Worlds, Telling Stories


This page is dedicated to the interviews I've conducted in English, French or Spanish :

It features conversations with a variety of personalities, offering readers a glimpse into the thoughts and experiences of diverse individuals.

Whether you're interested in music, literature, or personal journeys, these interviews promise to captivate and inform, all while maintaining the blog's or newspaper's signature style of wit and authenticity.


On this page, you will discover my writing projects :

Deux Rois (Two Kings) is a sci-fi novel exploring power, love, and survival in a world in flux.
Urbex is a story where past and present intertwine through the visions of a woman uncovering the hidden secrets of abandoned places.
Move 37 is the quantum quest of four researchers transforming the boundaries between human and machine.

Each story is an invitation to journey through complex characters and themes close to my heart, such as identity, freedom, and human connections.